Introduction to the Legal System in Bangladesh

The legal system in Bangladesh is rooted in its rich history and shaped by a blend of local customs, colonial influence, and modern legal principles. Understanding the structure and evolution of Bangladesh’s legal system is crucial for grasping how justice is administered in the country. This article provides an overview of the origins, structure, and functioning of the legal system in Bangladesh.

Historical Context

Bangladesh’s legal framework has its origins in the British colonial era. Prior to British rule, the legal systems were predominantly influenced by Islamic law, which governed personal matters, and Hindu laws applicable to the Hindu population. During the British colonial period (1757-1947), English common law principles were introduced, alongside the codification of key statutes such as the Penal Code of 1860 and the Evidence Act of 1872.

After gaining independence from Pakistan in 1971, Bangladesh adopted its own Constitution in 1972. The Constitution established the framework for governance and justice, incorporating elements of both civil and common law traditions.

Structure of the Legal System

The legal system in Bangladesh is a unitary system, meaning that all laws and courts operate under a single national framework. It consists of the following key components:

1. The Constitution of Bangladesh

The Constitution of Bangladesh is the supreme law of the land. It outlines the fundamental rights of citizens, the separation of powers, and the structure of government. Any law inconsistent with the Constitution is considered null and void.

2. The Judiciary

The judiciary in Bangladesh is independent and tasked with interpreting laws, ensuring justice, and upholding constitutional principles. It is divided into two main tiers:

a. The Supreme Court

  • High Court Division: Handles writ petitions, appeals, and constitutional matters.
  • Appellate Division: The highest court in the country, dealing with appeals from the High Court Division.

b. Subordinate Courts

  • District and Sessions Courts: Handle civil and criminal cases at the district level.
  • Magistrate Courts: Address minor criminal matters and preliminary hearings.

3. Legal Framework

Bangladesh’s legal framework consists of statutory laws, case laws, and customary practices. Key legislations include:

  • The Penal Code, 1860: Governs criminal offenses and penalties.
  • The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908: Regulates civil litigation.
  • The Evidence Act, 1872: Provides rules for admissibility of evidence in courts.

Legal Professionals

The legal profession in Bangladesh includes:

  • Judges: Appointed based on qualifications and experience, judges oversee the judicial process at various levels.
  • Lawyers (Advocates): Registered with the Bangladesh Bar Council, lawyers represent clients in court and provide legal advice.

Challenges and Reforms

While the legal system in Bangladesh has made significant strides, it faces challenges such as backlog of cases, lack of access to legal aid, and slow judicial processes. Reforms are ongoing, focusing on modernizing court infrastructure, digitizing case management, and enhancing legal awareness among citizens.


The legal system in Bangladesh is a testament to the country’s historical evolution and its commitment to justice. While there are challenges to address, the system continues to play a vital role in upholding the rule of law and ensuring the rights of its citizens. Understanding its structure and functions is essential for anyone interested in the legal landscape of Bangladesh.

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